top of page has a growing need for volunteers at several levels. The volunteer positions described below can be performed from any location.

The basic criteria for volunteers are:

  • You are passionate about changing America’s direction

  • You believe that equipping everyday Americans with Light Shining Actions will make a difference

  • You are organized and a self-starter


After reviewing the Volunteer Types below, please complete the form at the bottom of this page.

1.  Cultural Sphere Researcher

If you are passionate about a Sphere of culture, you can volunteer to research Light Shining Actions to feature in the Action Center for that Sphere. Review the Action Center's cultural Spheres here.

2.  Cultural Sphere Reviewer

If you have experience in a Sphere of culture, you can volunteer to review and finalize Light Shining Actions to feature in the Action Center for that Sphere. Review the Action Center's cultural Spheres here.

3.  Content Editor

If you have experience in writing and editing content, you can volunteer to review and finalize the descriptions for Light Shining Actions to feature in the Action Center.

4.  Social Media Researcher

Volunteer to research content to post to the Truth Movement USA™ social media accounts and build a content repository for the posting schedule.

5.  Social Media Administrator

Volunteer to participate in discussions and respond to inquiries on the Truth Movement USA™ social media accounts.

6.  Video Production, Editing, Scripting

If you have experience in video production, editing, and/or scripting, you can volunteer to help create brief tutorial videos that illustrate Light Shining Actions or User Dashboard functionality.

Yes, I'm interested in volunteering for

Employment & Volunteers

Truth Movement USA™
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