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Form - Alliance Partners

There are hundreds of organizations that have been developing and utilizing Light Shining Actions to touch culture. So what is a Light Shining Action (LSA)? An LSA is any simple or detailed action that shines the Light of Truth / lifts up Christ in our culture. In today's culture, there’s an alarming absence of actions or messages that shine the Light of Christ and as a result, darkness is spreading. The principle is simple: When Light fades, darkness spreads. But when Light shines, darkness flees™. It's time for millions of everyday Christians to no longer be silent and make a difference with Light Shining Actions that fit their interests and schedule! That is where Alliance Partners and the Truth Movement USA Web Hub fill an incredible need:


When an Alliance Partner organization features their culture impacting resources and activities (their Light Shining Actions) in the Truth Movement USA Web Hub and Action Center, that organization and their resources are then more easily discovered by everyday Christians across America who want to make a difference (aka Movers). 

Who is an Alliance Partner?

An Alliance Partner may be one of the following:


1.  A person or organization that has one or more Light Shining Actions to feature in the Action Center

  • Through the Web Hub an Alliance Partner can

  • [list]

    • Feature links in the Truth Movement USA Action Center to connect their programs and resources to Movers across America

    • Search for Movers who are interested in their activities / cause

    • Feature volunteer opportunities to Movers who are interested in their programs

    • Receive donations from Movers who have identified an interest in their activities / cause

    • Offer experience, advice, resources, and information to Movers

    • Help develop new Light Shining Actions so Movers will have continual access to cutting edge, culture changing activities

2.  A Christian-based organization receiving financial support from

Become an Alliance Partner Today

Truth Movement USA™



Truth Movement USA™
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